In my last article, I warned we could not be distracted by what was happening in Afghanistan while ignoring what was happening here in America. While I still stand by that belief, we can not turn a blind eye to those suffering due to the current administration’s utter lack of giving a damn for those who risked their lives to hope for a better future. 


This administration ordered all US forces to leave Afghanistan by the 31st of August. To that end, they have made a minimum effort to get our people out, much less help to get out those Afghanistan citizens who helped us. 


The state department has prevented private charities, such as the Nazarene fund, from flying families in danger out of the country. Nevertheless, these organizations, such as Glenn Beck’s Nazarene fund, have led the way where our government has refused to lift a finger. As I  write, two bombs and active shooters have attacked Kabul airport, shutting down the Abbie gate. This attack has resulted in 12 US soldiers killed and 15 wounded. It is unknown how many Civilians have Died or were injured. 


As I listen to the coverage, I find myself of two minds. First, we must pray for those who have lost loved ones over there. Second, we must hold this administration to account because of its policies; every single bit of bloodshed today and within the last two weeks lies at the feet of the current president. 


Today is truly one of the darkest days in American history, and that is putting things lightly. 

Pray, pray like you never have that God will make way for the thousands of Americans who will be left behind, pray for the Christians who need a way of escape where there seems to be none, and pray that we can return to our senses and that the man in the White House held to account for his deeds. 


Remember that no matter how bad things look, our God is still on the throne. He can’t be impeached or removed. He says in his words that his arm is not too short that it can not save. 

We must pray, humble ourselves, and seek his face. 


If we do this, he says in his word that he will hear from Heaven and heal our land. 

My friend, now more than ever, we must pray up, armor up, and war strong.